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Is it too late for me to start learning the violin?

Better late than never! Many children begin learning the violin at a young age (ages 3-9). However, I believe that regardless of your age, learning the violin can have many benefits for you. Whether you are learning the violin to become a professional violinist or you are learning for self-pride and joy, the violin is a great instrument of choice. Also, most of the best violinists I know did not start playing the violin at age 3. Some of them started in their teens!

I don't own a violin, what do I do?

Don't worry! there are many options out there at various price ranges. I recommend that you purchase your own as renting a violin is not as cheap as you may think. Regardless, be rest assured at I will be there throughout your instrument choosing process to guide you.

What performance opportunities will I have?

Students who are part of our studio will have the opportunity to participate in bi-yearly Studio Recitals. This will give students the opportunity to get their nerves excited in front of a supportive group of people. Students are also encouraged to invite their family members and friends to attend! 

Studio class and studio masterclass will be provided several times per year to allow students to have the opportunity to play for one another (extra fee is required).
Furthermore, students will also have the opportunity to compete in competitions and gain new knowledge and experiences from other professionals in the field.

What length of lessons should I sign up for?

When choosing the length of your lesson you should think about your concentration level. If you think you can concentrate for one hour, I highly recommend this option! I would only recommend 30 or 40-minute lessons for children under the age of 7 years.

When should I start RCM examinations?

I suggest that students take RCM exams as it gives students motivation to practice for a purpose. I suggest that students start RCM exams as early as RCM grade 3. RCM exams are also great as it gives students the opportunity to experience a more intense musical atmosphere. It really prepares them for a career in music, if they choose this route. Furthermore, RCM grade 8-ARCT certificates qualify as a music credit in high schools which is also useful for non-music related university applications.

Sign up for a trial lesson.

Still unsure if you want to take lessons with me? Sign up for a trial lesson with no long term commitments.