Studio Class & Masterclass

Studio Class/ Masterclass

Studio class/masterclass is a program that was introduced in 2022. Studio class allows students to gain performance opportunities in a non-judgmental/caring environment. Studio classes will be led by me while masterclasses will be led by guest artists and teachers. It is very important for students to play for other teachers as well as me. This is because every teacher brings new ideas to the table! Every teacher has something new to teach each student.

Studio class/masterclass is also essential when it comes to preparing for examinations, Kiwanis, auditions, and studio recitals.

Anyone enrolled in the Violin Lesson program is eligible and highly encouraged to participate in studio class/masterclass.

There will be a registration fee of $35 per masterclass (pianist fee is not included). It will be required for students to rehearse with a pianist prior to the studio class.

Studio class Spring 2022


Music History